Set Adobe Acrobat As Default

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HomeWindowsSet Adobe Reader as Default PDF Viewer in Windows 10

The default handler can be set in the following ways: For 10.0 and later, the product allows the user to specify the default PDF handler on first launch if a default handler is not already set. For 11.0 and later, by default, Acrobat will wrest ownership from an existing Reader install. To ensure that your document prints as expected, set up your page size in both the source application and the printer. The list of paper sizes available to Acrobat comes from the PPD file (PostScript printers) or from the printer driver (non-PostScript printers).

Microsoft Windows 10 comes with its own default PDF viewer which is built-in to Microsoft Edge, company's latest web browser.

While the Microsoft Edge PDF viewer may work fine most of the time, some of us prefer to use PDF applications like the Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat in Windows 10.

This is true with all the other web browsers as well including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browser. Now if you are using a PDF application like Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat or even Foxit, here is how to set it as default PDF viewer in Windows 10.

Both Acrobat and Reader can reside on the same machine, and the default handler can be set in the following ways: Set the default handler at install time. Configure the installer prior to deployment via the Wizard or command line. After a product install, choose Preferences. User of Acrobat can save a created PDF with a specified 'Initial View' which can include open magnification. Acrobat provides access to the 'Initial View' tab of the PDF's Document Properties. Adobe Reader does not have this capability. However, you can override an 'Initial View' magnification setting. Open Adobe Reader's Preferences.

Method 1 – Set Default PDF Viewer from Control Panel

While the Windows 10 settings page has a setting to set default apps, setting default apps from Control panel seems to work better.

Click the Cortana search bar and type Control Panel. Click to open Control Panel.

Click Programs.

Under Default Programs, click Set your default programs.

The apps will start loading. From the left side, select your PDF application. I am using Adobe Reader Touch so I will select the same.

From the right side, click Choose Defaults for this program.

Notice that in the Current Default section, the selected PDF viewer is set to Microsoft Edge or something else. We will change the current default to your PDF application.

Select a .pdf option and click Save.

Click OK and close the Control Panel.

Now try to open any PDF document, and it should open in your selected default PDF viewer.

Method 2 – Change Default PDF Viewer from Windows 10 Settings

You can also change the default apps in Windows from the settings. Here is how to do it.

Click the Start button and select Settings.

Set Adobe Acrobat As Default

Click Systems.

Select Default Apps from the left side.

Scroll down and look for the .pdf file type.

On the right side of the .pdf file type, you should see Microsoft Edge or any other application set as the default PDF viewer. Click on it and select your preferred PDF application from the list.

3. Set Default PDF Viewer Directly from the Application

Most of the apps come with an option that allows the users to set system default apps from its settings. This also works with most of the PDF viewer application.

Here is how to set Adobe Acrobat as Default PDF Viewer from the preferences.

Launch Adobe Acrobat Reader and go to Edit > Preferences.

Select the General tab from the left side.

From the right side, scroll down click Select As Default PDF Handler.

Click OK to save the changes.

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Troubleshooting Tips

Unable to Set Adobe Acrobat Reader as Default PDF Viewer

If you have multiple PDF applications, say Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat Reader, and you try to set Adobe Acrobat Reader as the default PDF viewer, it may not work. The Adobe reader will remain as the default PDF reader irrespective of your selection.

This happens if you have multiple PDF viewer applications installed. A quick solution for this problem is to uninstall all the third-party PDF viewer application except the one that you want to set as default.

So, if you have both Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat Reader, uninstall Adobe Reader to use Adobe Acrobat Reader as the default PDF viewer.

If you found this post, you are probably facing a frustrating and persistent issue, changing the default program to open Adobe PDF files from Microsoft Edge to Adobe Reader in Windows 10. The best option would be to remove Microsoft Edge since the primary purpose of Edge is to download Chrome. But, as you probably have already found, that's not an option.

I stumbled into this problem with Windows 10 Multi-user in aWindows Virtual Desktop (WVD) environment. I use LoginVSI to run workload tests. LoginVSI requires the default PDF viewer set to Adobe Reader. Below are the steps I followed to get PDFfiles to open with Adobe Reader across multiple new profiles consistently.

I pieced this information together from other online posts. Most notably is from Eddie Jackson locatedhere Below are the steps that have worked for mewith WVD.

The GPO below could be applied as a local registry change. I recreate my test environment frequently, and it was easier to create a GPO and apply it to the WVD session host OU. A description of how I found the registry value is located here I suggest walking through the first part of that post to verify the Prog ID is the same for the Windows and Edge build you are working on.

Start by creating a new policy; mine is namedSetAdobeReaderDefault. Add a new keyunder User Configurations, Preferences, Windows Settings, Registry. The values are:

Key path: SoftwareClassesAppXd4nrz8ff68srnhf9t5a8sbjyar1cr723
Value name: NoOpenWith
Value type: REG_SZ

The above step is only part of the battel. The GPO does not set the file association; itonly prevents the associations from reverting to the default.

The next step sets the file association. File associations are set as a system defaultwhen a new user logs in, causing .PDF files to open with Edge. Listed below are the steps to change that defaultassociation.

Log in to the target computer as an Administrator. You will need Adobe Reader installed and aPDF file to test the settings. Add thecomputer to the OU the previously created GPO is applied to.

Open the .PDF file. You will get a dialog box like the one below. Select Adobe as the program to open the file ANDset the file association to always open with that program.

Set Adobe Acrobat As Default Application

Log out and back in. Testthe file association to verify it's set to Adobe Reader. The file should open with Adobe without aprompt. The icon may also look different.

Set Adobe Acrobat As Default App

That sets the default file association for .PDF files on theAdministrator profile, but this is a profile-specific setting. Any new users will still have .PDF filesassociated with Edge. Fix that bystarting with the DISM command below.

From an elevated command prompt, run:

Set Adobe Acrobat As Default Pdf Reader

This command exports the current users default fileassociation, including the new .PDF settings to a file at the root of the C:drive.

Next, change HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosftWindowsSystemto use the defaulassociations.xml file exported in the previous step. The registry key changes the default fileassociation settings for new users to the settings in defaultassociations.xml. Run the command below to add the registrykey.

*Thisregistry setting could be added to the GPO at the beginning of the post. I left it out because I only want the settingto apply after the defaultassociations.xml file is created.

That shoulddo it. Log in to the computer with a newuser and open a PDF file. If it doesn'twork, log out and log in again as the same user. I have noticed the settings take place afterthe first login.

I hope thathelps. If you have any other tricks,please let me know in the comment section below.

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